Digital Gardens (2022)
Digital Gardens was a group exhibition that invited artists to respond to how we nurture digital spaces, and cultivate our own spaces online; yet also consider that when spaces are defined online, who… Continue reading
Digital Gardens was a group exhibition that invited artists to respond to how we nurture digital spaces, and cultivate our own spaces online; yet also consider that when spaces are defined online, who… Continue reading
Floating Reverie is an online digital residency programme started in early 2014 by its curator Carly Whitaker. Floating Reverie consists of two components, the //2Weeks residency programme and the annual Post-Digital instance. This… Continue reading
falling in love online ii love letters to the internet iv “It includes the love that grows because I survey my love through screens; I can screen myself and project myself, and bask… Continue reading
Floating Reverie is an on-going, annual experiment. Each residency and artist brings a new dynamic to the process and added insight to the framework. The residency has naturally and expectedly shifted towards a… Continue reading
For the first time in 2017 Fak’ugesi Festival will have a dedicated New Media and Technology Art Exhibition focusing on digital practices in Africa. The exhibition will be an exploration of digital art… Continue reading
BAE MAGICK // Before Anyone Else Bae Magick is a response to Carly Whitaker’s online residency by the same name which she completed in early 2017. The online version ( explored casting spells… Continue reading
It’s bae magick we’re all after. Falling in love is magickal. Having a bae, before anybody else. It often feels like a spell has been cast on you, that you’ve entered a different… Continue reading
“you text nothing like you look” “pink+white” “so many times, so many ways” “swirls” Falling in love or falling out of love over messaging is synonymous with contemporary romantic relationships and feelings. Relationships… Continue reading
Using the teardrop emoticon in a repeated and rhythmic way this installation is tribute and acknowledgment to all the tears that are cried when a personal relationship ends. Tears are shed in a… Continue reading
So much of how we communicate is over instant message, fall in love and grow apart over instant messages, relationships form and break up. The consist, repeated and rhythmic use of emoticons seems to be… Continue reading
selected/deleted/populated/isolated – cities in the global south (2016) This is a series of studies around 12 cities, 6 in South Africa and 6 in Brazil which were identified by popularity and population size.… Continue reading
It starts off as a daily iteration online. What happens to the artwork then? It is important to translate artworks, processes and research from a digital medium into the physical. postdigital2015 is a reimagining… Continue reading
// Confessions of an artist Is a series of artworks based on a questionnaire that was sent to my database of artists – friends, colleagues, acquaintances and random peers. These are a selection… Continue reading
This video has been created in light of being unable to attend the Anya Fụlụ Ugo Conference in Nigeria. This video is a brief introduction into the paper which will be published shortly… Continue reading Carly Whitaker (2015)
There are three manifestations of this work. There are the individual gifs, an online version and a video showing the interaction. //falling empires/ex colonies [ who are they? where are they ] //… Continue reading
Carbon City – Day 3 – Phase 3 Title: Carbon City – Day 3 Year: 2015 Size: 1190mm x 115mm x 850mm + (adjustable length 200mm) + 115mm x 115mm x 850mm Medium:… Continue reading
MJ Turpin “self titled” Maaike Bakker “Monument Progress” Carly Whitaker “Workbitch Mindmap” Anthea Pokroy “Ginger Data 505_Patchwork 4 x 3m CMYK” Tabita Rezaire “ASS4SALE” Bianca Bondi “ ‘Lights Out’ Performance” //Residency Catalogue: //Post-Digital 2014… Continue reading
2014 has been great. So i made you a gif. a few gifs. peace. happy 2015.
The Fak’ugesi Digital Africa Conference is an event of the Fak’ugesi Digital Africa Festival which took place in December 2014 at Wits University. The conference was organised by Tegan Bristow with support of a… Continue reading
Networked Production and Curation An experiment in constructing and designing a group exhibition – Degrees of Separation Carly Whitaker * This article was originally written as part of the Degrees of Separation Catalog,… Continue reading
Carbon City This work was produced as part of a group show for Assemblage called Fresh Produce. “Much of our vocabulary draws on work on the African metropolis which describes the ‘interplay between… Continue reading
A new project that I started at the beginning of the year together with the support of Nicola Kritzinger is Floating Reverie – There are two main components to Floating Reverie – a residency program and project… Continue reading
We wrote telegrams. We wrote letters and postcards. We wrote on bulletin boards and sent emails. We made phone calls and sent text messages. We used chat rooms. We send watsapps and bbms.… Continue reading
“Negotiating a Global Culture in South African Digital Art” was published in MCD#71 : DIGITALE AFRIQUE CREATION NUMERIQUE ET INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIQUE. It is a follow on from my MA research. The issue is available for… Continue reading
india This is a project which is a result of my recent travels to India images and sounds influenced my the different context are documented on this blog. The first few images are… Continue reading
South African digital art practice: an exploration of the altermodern Abstract: The Altermodern is a critical artistic theory defined by Nicolas Bourriaud, a French theorist and curator. His theory seeks to define a… Continue reading
This was a collaborative kinetic sculpture which was placed in the shop window of the fashion label Guillotine in Johannesburg. There were two mannequins placed in the store window, with motors and sewing… Continue reading
This exhibition was in completion of my MA in Digital Interaction Design and consisted of three separate artworks, The Princess, The Dream Keeper and The Guardian.
A wearable technology artwork which responds to light “The Princess” is a light sensitive interactive scarf and is part of Pink Phase a wearable technology exhibition. The scarf ‘reacts’ to light using a light… Continue reading
“The Dream Keeper” is a light sensitive interactive handbag which is part of Pink Phase. When the handbag is closed all the LEDs light up and the handbag appears . As the bag… Continue reading
The Guardian is a light sensitive interactive jewellery box and is part Pink Phase. Inside the jewellery box there is a white satin cushion ox which repeats a certain phrase each time the… Continue reading