Category Archive: Collaboration

Confessions of an Artist


// Confessions of an artist Is a series of artworks based on a questionnaire that was sent to my database of artists – friends, colleagues, acquaintances and random peers. These are a selection… Continue reading

I’ve never sold an artwork

by Carly Whitaker (2015)

Breaking up with Google


This artwork was exhibited as part of group show Degrees of Separation which was used a method of networked production and curation. This artwork engages with the online medium and the way in… Continue reading

Floating Reverie – //2Weeks


A new project that I started at the beginning of the year together with the support of Nicola Kritzinger is Floating Reverie – There are two main components to Floating Reverie – a residency program and project… Continue reading

name, comment, #tag – wearable technology


This is a phased interactive system and artwork which I developed as part of my final MA course work in 2011. It explores, social media, wearable technology and interaction amongst multiple users. The… Continue reading

Guillotine – Kinetic Sculpture


This was a collaborative kinetic sculpture which was placed in the shop window of the fashion label Guillotine in Johannesburg. There were two mannequins placed in the store window, with motors and sewing… Continue reading

Guillotine Development – an integrated social dialogue


This was a three phased interactive system (in collaboration with Alexandra Jones and Lisa van Vliet) which facilitates the marketing and brand development of Guillotine, a South African fashion label. The system is… Continue reading